[[⌘]] # [[Home Base]] ![Home Base](https://i.imgur.com/K2OxmMb.jpg) ## Hello, world! **Welcome to my [[Second Brain]], *it really is lovely to have you!*** I've spent the better part of the last few years learning how to use this wonderful, wonderful [[Apps|App]] called [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md). This website is the forever in-progress outcome of my experimentation. Hopefully the results speak for themselves! I intend for the site to function in multiple roles, both as an external [[Source of Truth]] for myself (shout out [[ADHD]] brain), and also as a shared knowledge base for those I work with. **Whether we see each other weekly for [[Personal Training]], or touched base one time at a party, there should be something here for you.** ### Quick Links Below are some shortcuts to links I #### For my clients - [[Personal Training]] - ### Map of Content > [!KEY]+ **Below is an abridged [[Map of Content]] for the site. For a full breakdown, see [[⌘]].** > *No matter how lost you get, the “SKPhub” header up top will always take you back to [[Home Base]].* #### [[1_PROJECTS]] - [[Ignition]] - [[Learning How to Learn]] - [[Raide-Yotuma Summer Tour]] - [[Unified Protocol +]] #### [[2_AREAS]] - [[ADHD]] - [[Enfierce]] - [[Fitness]] - [[Launch Academy]] - [[Nyx]] - [[Obsidian]] - [[Portfolio]] - [[Raide]] - [[Therapy]] #### [[3_RESOURCES]] - [[Apps]] - [[Article|Articles]] - [[Drumming]] - [[Games]] - [[Gigs]] - [[Music]] - [[Personality]] - [[Programming]] - [[Quotes]] - [[Recipes]] - [[3_RESOURCES/Songs|Songs]] - [[Sources]] - [[Wishlist]] #### [[4_ARCHIVES]] - [[Juansemble]] - [[Nyree's Essay]] - [[Preflight]] - [[Yotuma]] #### [[5_FILES]] - [[Attachments]] - [[Notes]] - [[Readwise]] - [[Templates]] #### [[6_JOURNAL]] (Unpublished) - [[Daily Logs]] - [[Monthly Planners]] - [[Weekly Notes]] - [[Yearly Reviews]] #### [[7_CONTACTS]] - [[Contacts Businesses]] - [[Contacts People|People]] - [[Contacts Venues|Venues]] #### [[Snippets]] - [[Snippets CSS|CSS]] - [[Snippets HTML|HTML]] - [[Snippets JavaScript|JavaScript]] ### Regarding PARA All of the files on this site (which can be found in the sidebar to the left) are organised in an implementation of [[Tiago Forte]]'s genius [PARA Method](https://fortelabs.com/blog/para/#). Though not exact, the basic conventions of the system still apply. Below is a quick guide to each of the [[PARA]] categories. ![PARA Definitions](https://i.imgur.com/LUEYxOY.jpg) ***So click around and see what you find! The site will be updated frequently as I move on to newer, shinier things.*** Cheers, Silas :^)